The green highlights below show stats in the top 10 of the category, the gold highlights show the top stat in each. As you can clearly see Albert Pujols is head and shoulders above everyone else in both BA and Impact. What I found most interesting was his CH5 (Net Impact). Even though his BA is top of the league, his CH5 is also at the top of the table as well with a CH5 of .170, meaning when he didn't get a hit, he still contributed to the team in a positive way more so than everyone else in the Majors!
The only expection is Adam Dunn who had a CH5 of .177. His BA was a mere .236, if this could be bought up a few points, Adam Dunn would be a very valuable addition to any team!
(P/PA is pitches per plate appearance, I've included it for my own interest.)

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